Seattle Weight Loss and Body Contouring

(206) 805-0111
Certified Zerona Physicians

About Zerona

ZERONA® is a non-invasive body contouring procedure using the Erchonia® Laser Scanner. The multi-site clinical trial conducted by Erchonia to validate the process focused on the abdomen, hips and thighs. The Zerona low-level laser therapy is approved for use on these target areas. Most doctors’ offices have the patient lie on a comfortable table for 20 minutes on each side while the three lasers are applied to the target areas simultaneously.

Hundreds have tried this procedure, and have lost an average of 3.64 inches around the waist. Some patients have lost as much as eight inches, which is equivalent to approximately 4 sizes. Imagine going from a large to a medium, or a medium to a small, just by relaxing for forty minutes, a few times a week.

As a logical conclusion, the science behind ZERONA can also be applied to other parts of the body that require the removal of fat to the interstitial spaces in the body. Medical professionals using the Erchonia® Laser Scanner are currently experimenting with the efficacy of ZERONA treatment when used on a variety of other areas of the body, including any locations of cellulite as well as the upper back and arms.

The research for these additional ZERONA applications is promising, and it is believed that low-level laser therapy will be used on these areas of the body in the near future. There are many other cold laser therapies available, and quite a few more are currently being researched.